No trending @mfontom03 days agoMCGI Cares HiveDealing With Depressed Teens. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.This is a message to parents. It is a call to duty and responsibility. It is creating an awareness in us that we should come to the aid of our children. Many children and…@davidke20012 days agoASEAN HIVE COMMUNITYLent 2025 - redefining hopeHi all, its been awhile since my last ASEAN Hive post. Lent season has kicked started since ash Wednesday, i got my forehead a temporary ash tattoo at the St John, and my trying…@sisjane03 days agoMCGI Cares HiveStaying Healthy According To The Bible. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.Staying Healthy is God's will for us. He wants us to be healthy. He says in His Word that He wishes above all things that we should be healthy. Good health is what we were…@christybliss03 days agoMCGI Cares HiveWill God Not Punished Those Who Are Misinterpreting The Bible posts found!